Cloudflare Worker

GraphQL Hydra is officially supported by itty and hono frameworks.


  • nodeJS >= 16
  • npm >= 7 (or similar package manager)
  • hydra CLI installed globally how-to

At the root of your project (where your final package.json is located), you need to have a hydra.config.ts file. This file is used by the CLI to generate the GraphQL schema to be consumed by the GraphQL Hydra server.

Once this is done, you can run hydra generate-schema, and finally install the GraphQL Hydra core package.


To enable GraphQL Hydra in your project, you need to install the core package:

pnpm add @authdog/hydra-core


For any cloudflare worker based integration, you'll need to export HydraRateLimiter class from your index file.

export { HydraRateLimiter } from "@authdog/hydra-core";

You'll also need to create a KV store and add Durable Object definition to your wrangler.toml file.

Here's one example:

kv_namespaces = [
    { binding = "<KV_NAME used at creation>", id = "<KV_ID>" }    
bindings = [
  { name = "HydraRateLimiter", class_name = "HydraRateLimiter" }
tag = "v1"
new_classes = ["HydraRateLimiter"]

itty integration

Full example:

import { Router } from "itty-router";
import { createCors } from "itty-cors";
import { NotFound } from "./handlers/notFound";
import { Health } from "./handlers/health";
import { GraphQLHandler, HydraHandler } from "@authdog/hydra-core";
import { HydraConfigAcme } from "./hydra.config";
let rawSchema = null;
try {
  rawSchema = require("./.hydra/schemaRaw");
} catch (err) {}
const { preflight, corsify } = createCors();
const router = Router();
  .options("*", preflight)
  .get("/", Health)
  .get("/health", Health)
  .get("/graphql", GraphQLHandler)
  .post("/graphql", HydraHandler)
  .all("*", NotFound);
const handleRequest = async (req, env, ctx) => {
  const enrichedContext = {
    kv: env?.HYDRA_ACME,
    hydraConfig: HydraConfigAcme,
    rateLimiter: env?.HydraRateLimiter ?? null,
  return router
    .handle(req, env, enrichedContext)
      (err) => () =>
        new Response(err.stack, {
          status: 500,
export default handleRequest;

hono integration

Full example:

import { Hono } from "hono";
import { GraphQLHandler, HydraHandler } from "@authdog/hydra-core";
export { HydraRateLimiter } from "@authdog/hydra-core";
import { HydraConfigAcme } from "./hydra.config";
let rawSchema: any = null;
try {
  rawSchema = require("./.hydra/schemaRaw");
} catch (err) {}
const app = new Hono();
app.get("/", (c) => {
  return c.text("It's alive!");
app.get("/graphql", (c) => {
  return GraphQLHandler(c.req.raw, c.env, {
});"/graphql", (c) => {
  const enrichedContext = {
    kv: c?.env?.HYDRA_ACME,
    hydraConfig: HydraConfigAcme,
    rateLimiter: c?.env?.HydraRateLimiter ?? null,
  return HydraHandler(c.req.raw, c.env, enrichedContext);
export default app;
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